Monday, October 11, 2010

Printing Photos Made Easy (And Less Expensive)

Read on if you:
a] Want to order photographs
b] Create scrapbooks
c] Look for great deals

Personally, I don't order photo prints very often because I don't want to spend the money and I have little need for a bunch of photos laying around. But when I want photographs for frames, a collage, gifts or a photo album, I want to find the best deal possible.

While on my search for the best deal, I made a discovery that changed the way I printed photographs. With each website I visited, I noticed a trend: Many sites give you a bonus for creating an account with them. In many cases, this bonus was in the form of free 4x6 prints. I thought to myself, What a great deal! I didn't even have to pay shipping with most because I could pick it up myself for no extra cost!

Even after a year of my discovery, I still have free prints waiting for me. It's a great way to get 150+ FREE 4x6s. It can save you or your organization dozens of dollars (and who doesn't like to save money?).

Below are the websites and their corresponding "bonuses" for creating online photo accounts:

Snapfish: | 50 free prints + shipping
Walgreens: | 25 free prints (free if you pick up in-store)
Kodak: | 50 free prints + shipping
CVS: | 50 free prints (free if you pick up in-store)
Shutterfly: | 50 free prints + shipping

There may be MORE sites out there, but this is a great start! Shop away!

-Morgan Cheeseman

If this post was helpful, please leave me feedback below!